NGas: an independent energy website

Thanks Mr Therm for Gas!

Energy commentary with a focus on Great Britain, including the North of England

Call for fossil fuel license conditions for an equivalent of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) to be sequestered to offset entire lifecycle.
Also, profits from any new gas, oil or coal should fully fund a universal street-by-street, sector-by-sector retrofit that would not only see household bills fall but make us less dependent on imported supplies from poorly governed states such as Texas, Qatar and Saudi. Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) we import uses a third of its energy to liquefy before it even has the additional use.

They could also be used to cut standing charges and supply essential units of energy based on the household's needs for a given period, reducing so-called self-disconnection for those forced to have prepayment meters.
Please support the Energy For All campaign.

Hopefully we will see success with Carbon Capture & Storage in the North West, the Humber, Teeside and the East of England.

The UK government has expressed support for the ACORN project in Scotland, but this does not go far enough, and it is dragging its feet with ensuring an adequate envelope of pricing mechanisms, and funding.
Also, Hydrogen from that project and Green Hydrogen from surplus Scottish wind constrained by the National Grid can be injected into the National Transmission System, a Great British asset already paid for. Every molecule of fracked Texan gas displaced is a win.

Sub pages (many just with external links for now)

In meantime here are some links:

Household Energy and the Wider Transition

There are many sources of finding out the carbon intensity of the electrical grid at present and forecast. There is an app from National Grid ESO for GB and for whole of GB now grammes of CO2 (equivalent) per kiloWatthour:

live GB grid intensity gCO2/kWh

Also see Drax Electric Insights


About This Site

This site was put up by an individual for reasons lost in mists of time. It is not affilated with any company and is independent. Although not seeking correspondence if you wish to contact then email px+web at the domain name, and you email may eventually be read. The information provided is without guarantee or warrenty.