critique of Utility Warehouse

I suggest you avoid this MLM company. It is the MLM nature of it marketing that leads it reps to mislead, some more than others. It structures offers to lock customers into them. They often claim to the 'cheapest' but this is not true for all customers as depends on usage patterns, and often only if take bundle of services which won't be as good value from them.

Watch out for misleading graphs that don't label the Y axis, to exgerate the savings, which often don't compare like for like.

It was able to benefit during the price spike because it has a 20-year wholesale energy agreement with E.ON that hedges energy purchases against price volatility. That contract is valid until 2033. The Fuel Mix of this is not the same as E.ON Next sells to it own domestic retail customers. And one of worse of major domestic suppliers, for 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023 the Carbon Dioxide emmisions (383.4 g/kW.h) from the generators they paid were nearly double the national average (199 g/kw.h g/kw.h).

I might add some Quotes about UW from various forums to add to these:

"UW are a rip off" "You don't save anything with UW unless you have absolutely everything with them." MM on FB
